ok..today was great..finished ok..go fifth..happy lo..coz in the morning b4 the game start the organizer or teacher said top 5 got prize,and the top 3 will play for kl while the other 2 will be reserve for kl team..then..it was prize giving..i got my medal,took pics and stuff..then the teacher said..ok top 4 stay back..i was like..urhhh..wat???!!! wat about me?? ok..i chill...the winner was a chinese,2nd was an indian,3rd was a malay..4th and 5th(me) chinese..i guess they didn't want too many chinese on the team..wat??? then the teacher say..' dari saat ini,saya melantik .........(malay)the 3rd place fella untuk menjadi captain..then the chinese and indian shocked la..but we all knew it was the colour of our skin that prevent us from excelling..m****r f*****s..racism now la...wth??!!! such a high quality game u go and f*** it up so badly??!!! macam mana nak Maju Sukan Negara like this??!!! F*** shit!!!!! No way!!!!! besides that,that malay fella pun tak baik sangat pun..last few competitions disqualified for cheating..(pro huh..too desperate) sigh..MALAYSIA BOLEH!!!!!!
Hey brother! Glad to know that you were in 5th place in the final. But i know that you are quite dissapointed on what had happened. I will too, if i were at your place. Anyhow, just take it easy...lets look at things in different angle. I always believe that you are somehow, anyhow gifted in SPORTS...you "easily" achieve certain level if compare to others (that might worked harder than you). Haha, quoting Josh's words: Any game that has a ball, it's your game. Well, since you've played an honest game, you enjoyed yourself, you've learnt alot,and since you've put every swings and movements in God's hand and gave glory to Him whenever you climb up to another step, be content with what you have. Things that happened is a way of God moulding you to become a more responsible, honest sportsman, or even a real man in God's eyes. So, be jolly...Malaysia needs more people like you. There are always lessons to learn in every circumstances that you face in LIFE. Glorify God in every way, even in SPORTS (and in BLOGS, hehe).